Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A few things to make you smile

by Rick Blechta

Crunch time this week for yours truly with some big graphic design jobs needing to get out the door, and my soon-to-be-done novella ms to get out the door, so I don’t have the time to also get a post out the door this week.

But fear not! It’s also that time of year when folks might need something to bring a little grin to their faces. As always, I’ve got a few goodies stashed away for just such an occasion and I want to share them with you.

So here goes, in no particular order…

This is one grammatical error that REALLY bugs me.

Just think about it for a moment.

No caption needed…so why am I doing one?

Why menus need editors…

And the thing is, this is no exaggeration.

There has to be a good pun included…

…or maybe two.

My favourite comic strip!


  1. Thanks, that gave me a good laugh. My favourite Peanuts cartoon is Snoopy writng to a publisher, 'Gentlemen, Regarding the recent rejection slip you sent me. I think there might have beena misunderstanding. What i really wanted was for you to publish my story and send me fifty thousand dollars. Didn't you realize that?' It is pinned to my notice board.

  2. I remember seeing that one, Aline.

    My wife has a "Far Side" (Do you know this comic in the UK?) one-panel cartoon. It has an elephant in a concert hall seated at a piano with his front legs up as if he's about to begin playing and the thought balloon says, "What am I doing here? I'm a flute player, not a pianist!"

  3. Thanks for the laughs. Particularly enjoyed the crow one. And I remember that Peanuts comic strip, too.

  4. Funny stuff! My favorite is "meet the author's dog." Rings true. I often wondered, back in the days when I subjected myself to book signings, if the presence of my dog would sell more books. Undoubtedly.


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