Tuesday, August 11, 2015

On location...

Hi there!

Mr. Blechta regrets to inform you that there will be no blog post from him today. You see, he is on vacation. As a matter of fact his regrets come to you from the top of Anthony’s Nose which lies just north of Peekskill, New York, and from where he is looking down at the Hudson River several hundred feet below. He could tell you what he’s doing up here, but has declined because it’s a top secret research mission for his work-in-progress.

This bird keeps croaking, “Nevermore.” I have no idea why.

“It is rather amazing to be able to do something like this from such a remote location,” Blechta stated a short time ago. “Please wish all Type M readers my very best, and tell them I’ll be back next Tuesday in fine fettle and with some terrific stories to tell.”

Thank you for your kind attention.

—The Management

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