Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Taking a Breather

Psst! Sybil’s computer here. I need your help. She’s gone off somewhere. Said she needs to recharge her batteries. What’s that about? I recharge mine just fine at home. She “claims” she needs a rest from all of this electronic stuff. No Facebook. No Twitter. No email. I don’t believe it.

I think she’s cheating on me. I’ve seen the way she looks at that Kindle Fire of hers. And I don’t see it anywhere in the house.

I found some photos on websites she visited. I think they’re clues as to where she’s gone. She thought she’d hidden them from me, but I’m smarter than she is.

So, what do you say? Can you help? Wait, what’s that?

Oh, looky here. She downloaded the latest Nancy Drew mystery game. Never mind...


  1. Very cute! Enjoy your time off.

  2. Thanks! It was wonderful, though a bit smoky from all the fires burning in the west.


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