Monday, September 14, 2015

It never gets old

By Vicki Delany

Having a new book out, that is.

When it does start getting old, I’ll quit writing.  Because if it’s not fun, why do it? It sure ain’t for the money.

The second book in my Lighthouse Library series is titled Booked for Trouble and it was released on Sept. 1. (It’s written under my pen name of Eva Gates)

View from my hotel room
I drove down to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where the books are set, on a short book tour.  I visited five marvellous independent bookstores in three days (Ducks Cottage and Island Bookstores on the Outer Banks, and Bethany Beach Books in Delaware), and stopped in for stock signing at the cute, crowded, and cozy Buxton Village books near Hatteras. The Outer Banks are a huge tourist destination and all the bookstore owners tell me that tourists love to find books set in the Outer Banks.

I also stopped in at some Barnes and Noble stores when driving by to do stock signings as well. It’s just so great to walk into a store and know without looking that my book will be there!

(P.S. Booked for Trouble made #19 on the Barnes and Noble paperback fiction list!) 

It was a lot of fun, although the trip was pretty rushed.  I am quite a heat freak and while I was driving the two days down to North Carolina, and the tow days back, and spending my time there in my car or air-conditioned bookstores, I gather we were having the hottest week of the summer at home.

This trip I had almost no time for relaxation. I got about two hours one day on the beach and in the pool, but I managed a couple of nice dinners out.  Gotta keep trying that North Carolina cooking you know.  All in the name of research. How we suffer for our art. 

Booked for Trouble is now available at all your favourite bookstores,independent and chains, in paper and ebook formats.  here's but one link: 

Dinner night 2 was jambalaya 
Relaxing after a hard day on the road with shrimp and grits
Dinner 3 was a disappointing sea food platter. And why it was served with a bowl of beans I do not know


  1. Hsppy pub day,Vicki. Love the cover. Looks way more inviting than the photo of that seafood platter. Yuck.

  2. Thanks, Eileen. I do love the covers that they do for these books.

  3. I do miss those shrimp and grits. Oh, and congratulations on your wonderful success!


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