Monday, December 14, 2015

There's Nothing Like a Nice Cup of Tea

Our most recent import from America, Black Friday, has proved not to be an unqualified success.  Last year it resulted in near-riots, punch-ups and the police called to stores as everyone embarked on an orgy of greed.

This year, not so much.  I'm happy to say that this year it's the stores who are nursing their wounds, having reduced their prices without increasing their footfall by the hoped-for amount as, revolted by last year's scenes, people stayed at home.  My bet is that next year it will have disappeared.

The response of the Booksellers Association to Black Friday, though, was very well received and let's hope that it does become a fixture in the calendar.  They have instigated Civilised Saturday, when independent bookshops laid on treats for their customers, offering 'a relaxed atmosphere, great books and no panic.'  And afternoon tea with crustless sandwiches and possibly even a glass of fizz.

It's all very British.  Never mind 'Greed is good.'  We'll settle for 'Nothing like a nice cup of tea' - or even a glass of Prosecco - and a good book 


  1. The independents are trying really hard and last year more opened than closed for the first time in years. Has to be good news!

  2. I've never been a Black Friday shopper so I'm really oblivious to all the propaganda. Parking is so bad in our town that the last time our independent book store had a signing I had to circle the block many times and then park several blocks down to find a space.

  3. Access is always the problem. To reach my nearest independent bookshop and find a parking space(at a considerable price) would take at least half an hour. The big Waterstones are right in the centre where we do shopping - and of course if it's not a book that's generally stocked there is wicked Amaazon lurking at the click of a button.

  4. A book and a cup of tea - the perfect combo. I drink gallons of tea when I write, too.


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