Monday, November 07, 2016

A Message to My American Friends

By Vicki Delany

Hi, dear American friends, readers, colleagues,

Tomorrow you are having a major election. If you haven't already, be sure and go out and vote.

Now, you might say off the bat that you didn't tell me who to vote for, or even to bother going out and doing it, in our federal election of last year.  And that is true.  But the United States is an important country to the rest of us in the world, and perhaps most of all to your two closest neighbours. Your president does, after all, have access to the nuclear button. Plus some effect on the world's largest economy. And there is nothing any of the rest of us can do about our mutual changing climate, if you don't help too.

I am not here to tell you (suggest) to whom (or whoms) you cast your vote, but I am going to link to two sources up here in the Great White North.

(The Globe and Mail is Canada's National Newspaper. Corporate owned, conservative, it endorsed S. Harper and the Conservatives in our last election)

Dear America: Please don’t vote for Donald Trump

The Toronto Star is a left-of-centre paper, one of the few major newspapers who can still say that.

Donald Trump: The unauthorized database of false things

The Star article has been written by Daniel Dale, who's done a heroic job of covering the US election. He his very methodically, and consistently, reported on all the lies that each of the major candidates have said over the course. And, let me say, one candidate has far, far outdone the other in the lying department.  

If you'd like to see what Daniel is reporting, follow him on Twitter at @ddale8


  1. Thank you for your pointed reminder to vote, Vicki. At no other time in recent memory has it been more important. The future of our nation is at stake, and as a former Canadian resident, I can appreciate the importance of its staying on course to our neighbors. As a side note, may I also say I really enjoyed your book "God Rest Ye Murdered Gentleman." What a fun read! Perfect way to de-stress during these tense times.

  2. And it's only gotten worse...


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