Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Hey! Anyone out there need a gift suggestion?

by Rick Blechta

This is going to be a philanthropic bit of outrageously self-promoting promotion.


Well, it goes like this. To the right and left of this post are either authors (your hosts here at Type M) or the front covers of their most recent books.

If you’re still in need of some Christmas, or shall I just say holiday gifts, look no further! We’re a talented bunch of writers here, and well, our published works would look pretty darned good encased in wrapping paper and given to a relative or friend who enjoys curling up with an enjoyable book on a cold winter night (hot, too, if you happen to be in Florida at the moment).

So please, this gift-giving season consider a Genuine Type M for Murder crime novel. Or two! (Two is a great number.)

And help make the end of the year a little brighter for everyone involved, you, your giftee and everyone here at Type M.

We thank you!

And now I return you to your regularly-scheduled blog...

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