Monday, January 02, 2017

A New Year at Type M

Happy New Year!

By Vicki Delany

I have the honour of being the first to post for Type M in the year 2017.
Vicki Writing (not exactly as shown)
Vicki Reading (not exactly as shown)

Can it be 2017 already!  I remember when we were so excited about the arrival of the new millennium.

Despite the doom and gloom in the world, it was an excellent year for me and everyone in my family, and I hope for you and yours also.

I try throughout the near to be a reasonably good person, I give regularly to charities of my choice, and I buy food and other goods locally and sustainably made whenever I can, but I was stuck by what Barbara said on Wednesday about consciously trying to do good in the world.  I liked that idea a lot.

Not just to be not an awful person, but to consciously try to be a nicer one. To do little things for someone if you can, or say a kind word. Good deeds do cost nothing, and a smile or a word of praise costs nothing at all.  We also have to be aware that it might be up to us to do what little we can to stop the spread of hatred and bigotry. Don't let small sneers or insults directed at groups or individuals pass. 

I am going to try to make that my resolution for 2017.  I don’t have much influence on the rest of the work, but I do have influence on myself and the people I interact with.

So, happy New Year to you all, and may you be what you want the world to be.

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