Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Halloween in My Neighborhood

I'm in the middle of writing a story set around Halloween in my fictional town of Vista Beach. (Aurora Anderson #4) Whenever I walk around my own beach city, I look for little things I can put in that add verisimilitude to my story. Recently, the husband and I took a tour of the neighborhood and looked at the Halloween decorations. Here are some of the ones we found.

The first thing I noticed: giant spiders have invaded the city! They are super popular as decorations. I’m not terribly fond of spiders and, sure as heck, wouldn’t want to encounter one of these.

Skeletons are prevalent as well, but this is the first time I’ve seen a dog skeleton.

This guy is just hanging around. He has a friend who usually sits on the back of a golf cart that’s parked on the street. Alas, the friend was off on a drive so I couldn’t get a pic of him.

And the usual ghosts and ghoulies.


  1. Ha ha ha ha ha! Great photos. I love the way you all celebrate Halloween over there. We are far more understated about it here – and it's a lot less fun ;)

  2. Yes, some people do enjoy the decorating thing for Halloween. There's one house, which I didn't show, that does light shows in the evening. Haven't seen it yet.

  3. Love the dog skeleton! Classic! You have use that in one of your books.

  4. The dog skeleton is the best, Eileen! Thinking of how to incorporate it in my book right now...


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