Friday, October 27, 2017


Actually this meet the author poster from Poisoned Pen Press is the way I looked and felt by the time I finished my Kansas Tour this week. I gave five presentations and although the people are wonderful and easily some of the most attentive audiences anywhere--I always forget about the wind. The drive back to Colorado was just beastly.
It's been a whirlwind of a month. I went to Bouchercon in Canada and had lunch with all the Type M'ers who could make it to the conference. This trip was way too short. We were in Toronto and I didn't have time to do any sight-seeing.

And I'm still running around! I'll be on a plane tonight headed for Tucson for the Women Writing the West conference. My short story, "The Bucket" is a finalist for the Laura award. They will announce our places tomorrow at a special luncheon. I'm honored to be included with these amazing authors.

Monday night I learned that my book, Nicodemus: Post-Reconstruction Politics and Racial Justice in Western Kansas placed second in the Westerners International contest. I'm thrilled and frankly, quite amazed.

Now to get my head out of the clouds and settle down. I need to work on plot problems with Silent Sacrifices.


  1. I'm tired just hearing about your travels. Love the picture.

  2. My dear amazing friend, take a nap, rest and restore, for heaven's sake. Well, I guess you can do that on the plane. I'm betting that your short story fares well in the Laura contest. Much luck with the new book in progress, SILENT SACRIFICES is an intriguing title. Can hardly wait!

  3. I hope you get some rest soon. Your photo made me chuckle :)

  4. Loved seeing you in Tucson. What a lovely surprise!


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