Monday, December 25, 2017

Happy Christmas

Today I hope that all of you are far too busy enjoying the blessing of being with people you love to be sitting in front of a screen reading this.

Happy Christmas and may 2018 bring peace, health, happiness and success to you all.


  1. Merry Christmas to all of you. I have enjoyed reading your essays throughout the year

  2. Very busy. So I'm in front of the screen with my coffee on Boxing Day, wondering how I could have eaten so much. Merry Christmas to all the Type Ms.

  3. Merry Christmas! Had a nice time yesterday spending the time with the husband. And eating too much. Back to work on my book today.

  4. Thank you for the good wishes. I had a special Christmas with all my family together, including six-year old grandson who, asked how good his behavior had been when it came to a visit from Santa Claus,replied with what we all agreed was impressive self-analysis, '65%.'


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