Wednesday, August 01, 2018

The Artist Within

Not really a huge amount of time today so I thought I’d share some things I’ve seen recently you all might enjoy.

I believe there’s an artist in everyone. We all just express it in different ways. Some people bake, some people write books, some people draw and paint, etc. When I have the time I check out the boredpanda website and see what interesting things they’ve found. Here are a few that I’ve noticed lately.

When I think of bridges, I think of them as being functional, not terribly artistic. Here’s one that wowed me that’s in Vietnam:

And here’s someone who folded and decorated an origami crane a day for 1000 days. They’re so amazing.

Here are some very creative cupcakes. The strawberry one is my favorite.

And this guy created photographic art from his large library.

And here's my artistic endeavor:

My fourth book, Designed For Haunting, is now available for pre-order! It officially releases Oct 9th.

Some links:

Barnes & Noble:

A little about it:

October brings a message from Beyond The Grave...

Halloween is fast approaching in the quiet Los Angeles County city of Vista Beach, home of computer programmer and tole-painting enthusiast Aurora (Rory) Anderson. While her painting chapter prepares to open its annual boutique house, Rory receives an unexpected email from Beyond The Grave, a company that automatically sends out messages when someone dies.

“I think I have a stalker,” the message reads. “If you’re reading this I’m either missing or dead. My life may depend on what you do. Please find out what happened to me.” Haunted by her friend’s disappearance and possible death, Rory begins her search with the help of best friend and fellow painter, Elizabeth (Liz) Dexter. Can they discover who has designs on the missing woman and uncover the truth before one of them becomes the stalker’s next victim?

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