Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Wishing everyone only the best in 2019

Last week, being Christmas, I totally zoned out that it was also Tuesday. Since I was chained to the stove at the time — since I’m the “designated chef” for large family meals — it wasn’t until nearly 11 p.m. before I realized I’d blown it.

Well, not today!

However, we have both our grandchildren with us for a New Years sleepover — giving their parents the opportunity to not be on duty — I have my hands full today.

So, I’m just going to wish the Type M family the happiest and healthiest of New Years. Good riddance to 2018!

And my one and only resolution is to finish this damn work-in-progress. It’s about time to release it on an unsuspecting world.


  1. Happy New Year, Rick! Have fun with the grandchildren!

    All the best in the coming year, everyone! Hope you all have a happy and prosperous year -- and the world has a little peace.

  2. Finiah the work-in-progress? Oh, yes! Happy New Year, and may we all get to the 2019 finish line with something (a complete first draft, a revision, a contract...) finished!

  3. Anna, I'd like to accomplish all three of those!

    And the very same to you.

    Frankie, may we all find a little extra grace in 2019. Failing that, an impeachment might be nice…


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