Friday, April 26, 2019


I'm frankly piggy-backing on Rick's post. He did his best to advise a beginning author about social media. I'm lucky. Most people simply ask me how to get an agent or how to get a book published. My advice is always the same on those two issues. Write the book first! Then hunt for a publisher or an agent.

I always look trapped and desperate about social media questions. Truth is, you can work into infinity and not begin to tap everything you could do on social media. My original word choice was "should" do but I think that's where the problem comes in.

Pick and choose. Despite all the bad publicity it has received lately, Facebook is one of my favorites. I love hearing what friends and members of the writing community are doing. Contrary to a lot of criticism I hear about the site, I want to know about events that are affecting their lives. Good and bad. I'm deeply grateful for all my Kansas contacts who have kept up with my books and my career. I still feel a special bond to Hoxie.

I rejoice with friends in the writing community who have receive special recognition. It's even sweeter when I know they have struggled to keep their career together.

Specialized blogs--such as Type M-- are pure gold. It always surprises me how many people read this and never comment. They know about it because I mention a new entry on Facebook. I'm grateful for Rick Blechta's faithfulness in tending to this site. A log of blogs go under because the owners aren't faithful to the task.

So here is the advice I would give to Rick's beginning writer:

1.  Make a list of all the organizations you belong to. Check out their websites.
2   Make a list of all the sites related to the non-fiction elements of your books.
3.  Make a list of the people who would really like to know what you are up to.
4.  Pick 10 of these places that appeal to you.
5.  Make a check list (just for tracking) of how often you would ideally contribute to each site. Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly?
6.  Learn to GET OVER IT if you can't or won't make yourself do it.

Personally, I avoid politics and controversaries. Plus I assume people don't want to hear AGAIN about my technology problems that prevented me from posting last week. Or the fall that nearly prevented me from posting today. Or . . .well, you get the picture.


  1. Excellent advice, Charlotte, and I shall follow it. However, I am interested in hearing about your fall. Are all your parts intact?

  2. Yes. Thanks Donis. I read your account of Don's surgery. What an ordeal. As to me, I had gone to a medical massage therapist to help deal with a sore shoulder and neck. She gave me an exercise to do that involved applying pressure up and down the front of my neck. I have a part time accounting job and while my boss was using my computer to scan stuff I was doing these exercises. I passed out! Fell plumb over like a pine tree onto a concrete floor. Luckily I got tangled up with the pole lamp on my way down and I think it broke my fall.

    I have no injuries although I am a little sore. Needless to say I called the therapist to get further instructions for the procedure. She thinks I applied pressure to my carotid artery Thank you for asking.

  3. Ouch! Actually, that sounds like an interesting story element!

  4. Sorry to check in late (busy week), but I wanted you to know that I've passed on your very fine suggestions. She says, "Thanks!"


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