Friday, May 10, 2019

Sick Society

I'm too sad to blog. Two days ago, Colorado experienced another school shooting. I've been weepy off and on all day. I can't imagine the terror some of these children must be experiencing.

There comes a time when one becomes saturated with tragedy. I have no idea how we got to this point. Schools are no longer a safe haven. Neither are churches. Is there no place on God's green earth where people can peaceably assemble as a group?

Ironically many of the guns used in school and church shootings were obtained legally. I believe in sensible gun control legislation. I believe registration is a good idea. So is banning assault rifles. I'm not sure any of this will have a marked effect on the violence, but it's a start. The problem goes deeper. However I'm not sure what the problem is.

I'm absolutely fed up with politicians who are sure they have the answers but do not risk their careers to evoke change. Frankly, I admire the stance of the prime minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, who responded to a shooting there by immediately implementing a ban on assault rifles and forbidding the press to print the shooter's name. We have different rules here in America. No one has the authority to do that. But denying the instigator publicity certainly would thwart episodes here driven by a perverse desire for lasting notoriety.

On my refrigeration is a photo of the sweetest little terrorist. He's a bewildered little four-year-old boy hugging a Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy for dear life. He appears to be escorted somewhere in a barred van. Minus his parents, I suspect.

I'm with the kid. How in the world did it come to this?


  1. I agree, Charlotte. It's beyond me that we can't manage to find the spine to at least try to fix this. How many more of our children have to die?

  2. Where do you live, Tom? It seems like Colorado is over-targeted as a state. The Columbine shooting has become some sort of perverse goal for young men who can't make their mark in any other way.

    Now we are leading the way to federal legalization of magic mushrooms. I feel like everyone is going nuts.


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