Tuesday, June 25, 2019

This sort of sums up where my WIP is at the moment

by Rick Blechta

I’ve got a busy week on the go, getting ready to leave town. To say the least, I’ve been rather distracted. Then, in the middle of all that, my music-reading glasses broke yesterday. I wasted a couple hours trying to jury-rig them and finally had to call my endeavors a failure, so that required a trip to the optometrist and spending $500. Sigh…

I always find the first thing that suffers in situations like this is my writing. I cannot find my “happy space”, try as I will.

Since I’m now even further behind in what I must accomplish by Thursday, I leave you with the following cartoon that perfectly reflects how my writing went last night before I gave up in disgust. Perhaps if I get enough done today on my huge list of pre-trip jobs, I’ll have better luck writing in the evening!

1 comment:

  1. Love the reality bite cartoon. Which shows the one thing I miss about using a typewriter. You could go back and revisit the thought process.


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