Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Blew it again!

by (a very contrite) Rick Blechta

I operate on a very specific timeline for getting things done each week. If one thing changes, it can throw the whole thing out of kilter. I had a gig with my band, SOULidified, on Sunday, but then on Monday I usually have a rehearsal with the big band I play in. Last night, I didn’t attend because I’m not playing the band’s next gig on Saturday. Are you with me so far?

Well, my posting day for Type M is always the next morning after Monday band rehearsal (or gig), and since I didn’t go to rehearsal, I had no idea it was Tuesday until just now. I know, I know, I’m totally a creature of habit and it usually doesn’t let me down. Unfortunately, there are times…

See everyone next week!

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