Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The art of being a writer COMPLETELY explained!

by Rick Blechta

Funny how our lockdown seems to generate so many things to do. My days are nearly complete filled with, well, stuff. Last week, I made and froze 400+ ravioli. And I'm not Italian! Of course, I'm practising a lot. Today, besides tooting my own horn, I'm making soup, researching how to use an online recording program, cleaning the fish tank and filter, making dinner, and more practising.

Anyway, all this information is by way of saying, I don't have the time today to write a proper post, and since it's getting late, I've got to move to Plan B.

What's Plan B? I don't have one.

See you all next week, God willin' and the crick don't rise!


  1. This cracks me up! Good thing I had already finished my afternoon tea. Printing now. Meanwhile, your fish are surely full of gratitude, perhaps swimming in formation to show their gratitude for a nice fresh tank. Write on!

  2. Ahhh.... Dr. Blechta explains it all for us. Thanks, Rick.

  3. Thank you Anna and Susan! I'm so please you enjoyed the little chart I dug up. It is funny but it does contain a lot of truisms as well.

    However, right now it's good to be able to make people chuckle and provide a bit of entertainment.

    Dr Blechta indeed! Thanks, Susan. That actually made me laugh out loud.


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