Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Getting a little wind in our blogging sails

by Rick Blechta

Today’s post will be a short one (I still have a balustrade to install on our new front porch. Look it up if you have no idea what I’m talking about.)

Anyway, Tom Kies received an email last week from CamCat Books listing their favourite mystery blogs — and guess who’s second on the list? Click HERE to read the posting on CamCat’s blog.  

Type M for Murder has been around since the summer of 2006 and that’s a hell of a long time for this type of social media. We’ve had a cast of terrific writers involved since the beginning. Authors may come and go from our role, but we’ve always had such a great group here. I remain very proud of my involvement in this enterprise.

But it can be daunting to sit down to write a post for Type M, wondering how many people are actually going to bother reading it. Long-time member Barbara Fradkin has been known to liken this to “shouting into the void,” which is a pretty accurate description of what it feels like.

Then someone gives us a nice shout-out as CamCat did and you realize that people are noticing what we’re doing — and care about it.

And that certainly makes it easier to keep “the mystery little blog that could” chugging down the Information Superhighway.

Thanks CamCat!


  1. (trying again...the powers that be wiped out my comment)

    Thanks for sharing the list of blogs, all of which I either pop into weekly (including Type M) or from time to time. I try to make a point of commenting here if I think there's a bit of silence from this side of the screen, because I want to encourage everyone to Keep On Blogging.

    I really am a Blog Fiend.

  2. Excellent news, Rick. Well done!

  3. Susan, thank so much for your support! You've always been so loyal, an excellent commenter, and one of the reasons we keep on doing this. In short, you're the best!

    Mike, Many thanks!

    And Douglas, you bet it's great news!!


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