Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Short and sweet!

by Rick Blechta

Last week I wrote about supporting your local independent bookstore, and if you don’t happen to have one, any independent bookstore if you can manage it. A number of you wrote to me or commented either here or on Facebook that you’re taking what I said to heart.

Just to prove that I’m in on this 100%, I’ve got my three-book order from Sleuth and we also bought a book to give to our granddaughter, the redoubtable Lucy. However, it’s not crime fiction because four-year-old generally aren’t into murders and stuff.

So to everyone who contributed to the conversation, thank you, and on behalf of the entire book industry, thank you for your support!

All this made me think of the loyal readers of Type M. Some readers have been with us for years, some drop by occasionally, some maybe just once, but we are grateful to all of you for your support.

It has been far too long since we thanked you for taking the time to read our offerings — so thank you very much! We wouldn’t be here — 14 years and counting! — if it weren’t for you.

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