Thursday, January 21, 2021

More Virtual Book Launching

 Oh my God, people, what a week, month, year it has been. Today is inauguration day, so I've spent most of the day glued to the television, watching events, celebrating, and breathing a sigh of relief. My last entry on this blog was Jan. 6.  My mood was much different. Horrified. Reading Charlotte's entry, below, gave me chills. Her experiences, coupled with the Capitol riot, reminded me of one of Brad Pitt's lines out of the movie Troy: "Men are wretched creatures." I've seen so much goodness in my lengthy life, but sometimes I despair. But thankfully, sanity has returned. At least for the moment. 

Now it's back to work. I read Barbara's entry from yesterday with great interest. I, too, am doing a virtual book launch in ten short days for my second Bianca Dangereuse Hollywood Mystery, Valentino Will Die.

Who is trying to kill the world's greatest lover? As Rudolph Valentino lies dying, his dear friend and screen idol in her own right, Bianca LaBelle, promises him she will find out who is responsible. One of his many lovers? A delusional fan? Or could it be a particularly vicious mobster? Publishers Weekly says “Lovers of old movies and Hollywood gossip will have fun.” 

I can only be thankful that my launch will be a Facebook Live virtual event hosted by Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale Arizona on January 30 at 4:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time  (6:00 Eastern, 5:00 Central, 3:00 Pacific). I have nothing but awe and admiration for Barbara for planning the Jan. 28 virtual launch of The Ancient Dead FROM SCRATCH. My hat is off, and I hope Barbara's event is a smashing success.

Of course, I hope my event is a success, as well, so I hope you'll check in and join me at Poisoned Pen Bookstore's Facebook page on the day. Fortunately, all I have to do is ZOOM. I did learn how to share photos while zooming, which is about the limit of my ability to learn new things.

I’ll be all around the blogiverse and the podcast airwaves for the next few months, and I plan to do a number of book giveaways, as well, both of the Bianca novels set in 1920s Hollywood and the Alafair novels set in 1910s Oklahoma, so keep your eyes peeled!

I'll be podcasting on February 4, 11:00 Eastern Standard Time, with PatZi Gil at Joy on Paper, a syndicated radio show for writers and those who dream of writing! I hope you’ll have a listen.

And now I must sign off and return to another frustrating task that has had me flummoxed for a week - trying to make an appointment for a Covid vaccine shot. Wish me luck, and I hope to see you on the 30th.


  1. Tanya3:10 pm

    Donis, looking forward to your launch. Will Poisoned Pen have signed books available to ship out of state?

  2. Yes, they will, Tanya!

  3. I was late reading this post. Sorry I missed the live launch. I'll zip into FB to read all about it. The very best of luck.!!!


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