Friday, January 08, 2021

One of Those Days

Well, it's one of those days after one of those weeks. I had a topic in mind for today's post, but life has intruded. My cat, Harry, has the sniffles -- has been sneezing all week -- and his vet is holding medication for him that I need to pick up before 4:30 today. 

Then I need to swing by (as go in and sit for hours) the hospital emergency room and get an evaluation. My doctor's office says there is no way to be sure on the telephone about whether bumping my head last night might require attention. Stupid accident -- I was trying to catch up on my work emails. It was late and I was sitting on the sofa, leaning forward over my laptop rather than sitting back against the cushions. After two late nights and early mornings, I dozed off. I woke up as I was falling sideways off the sofa, clutching my laptop. The top of my head lightly bumped my old-fashion radiator.

When I got up and after I had mopped up my spilled tea, I didn't have a headache or feel dizzy. I went to bed and to sleep. It's been over 12 hours, and I'm aware that I bumped my head because I'm paying attention. But still no headache or swelling. However, I have freaked myself out thinking of what might be going on in my skull. That was the reason for the conversation with the doctor's office.

That and the splendid idea that I had about using a similar, but fatal, accident in one of my books in progress. 

Never let a good mishap go to waste, right?

Does anyone else have a story about being in the midst of a real-life situation and thinking "This would be great in my book?"

I also have a puppy arriving to join the household on Sunday or Monday. He's coming on a pet delivery van. It should be an interesting few days.

Have a good weekend, everyone. And, please, try not to watch the news unless you're working on a thriller.


  1. Real-life situation: Thursday morning (still reeling from Wednesday's events) I woke up at 4:30 am to a cold house, tried to slip outside in the early dawn to read the propane tank gauge even though it was 25 degrees and I was in my nightgown, missed the step and fell on the cold frozen ground (still in nightgown, remember), hauled myself up uninjured and fled back inside, grateful that it was too early for my neighbor to be watching, and thinking that if I had broken a bone and had lain there helpless, would my screams have been loud enough to get anyone out of bed? This scenario is not remotely suitable for my WIP or any planned projects,so it's free to anyone who can use it.

    Frankie, good luck with Harry's health and your new puppy.

  2. And Frankie, may you find that your head is in excellent condition; no worries.

  3. Tanya4:07 pm

    Sorry to hear about your trying times, and here's wishing you a fast recovery!

    Congrats on your new family member -- can't wait to hear what Harry will think about his new brother or sister. Even with strategic separation, I'm sure he'll have an opinion based on new sounds and smells. Good luck!

  4. Tanya4:11 pm

    And Anna, very glad to hear that you came through your event without injury. Like Frankie's experience, yours has some potential for one of those "was it an accident or murder?" plot lines.

  5. Tanya2:24 pm

    Frankie, wishing you a fast recovery, and congrats on your new pup! I hope Harry will adjust without too much upset. How fun that you and Tom K. added pups to your family the same week!


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