Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 Today, despite two days' worth of calendar alerts, I forgot about my Wednesday Type M post. Since the day is now half over and I don't have time to write a proper post right now, I decided to just give a cheer and a shout-out to Canadian authors of all types and stripes. This is no reflection on all the other wonderful, Non-Canadian books out there, but because Canada is dwarfed between two English-language powerhouses, the US and the UK, who have far more books, readers, and promotional money behind them, sometimes Canadian authors get lost in the melee. 

So in the fall of 2019, a group of children's authors devised this idea of an I Read Canadian Day to encourage schools, libraries, and other groups of showcase Canadian children's authors. The idea enthusiastically spread to all Canadian authors and books, on February 19 2020, the first ever day was held. 

And then, before there was any chance to build on the energy and momentum, along came Covid, shutting own libraries, schools, book festivals, and just about every venue where writing and storytelling could be celebrated.

Today, February 17th, is the 2nd I Read Canadian Day in what I hope is an annual and growing tradition, this year encouraging everyone to pick up a Canadian book. Check out the CBC lists, the Writers' Union of Canada, Crime Writers of Canada, and many other national groups for lists for ideas. 

Even our Prime Minister is getting into the spirit. You'd be surprised what wonderful Canadian books are lurking in the shadows.

And post any other suggestions in the comments!


  1. Great idea to have a special day/month to highlight Canadian writers. (If it makes you feel any better, many of us Americans would much prefer to be Canadians if we had the ability to relocate. You seem to have a higher proportion of sanity and kindness in your country.) And thanks for the links to the recommended books!

  2. Thanks, Tanya. Hopefully things are looking up in the US now as well. And I think any day that celebrates books is a good day!


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