Wednesday, February 10, 2021

You Know You're A Mystery Writer When... Part 2

 By Sybil Johnson

In June 2016, I wrote a post here on Type M on indications you might be a mystery writer. I think it’s time for the next round:

Some more indications you might be a mystery writer... 

You know you’re a mystery writer when... 

 - You see a bubble maker at an amusement park and you wonder if it could be used to create toxic bubbles.

 - The first thing you think of when you hear about a pumpkin race is: could a gun fit inside the pumpkin? 

 - While cooking dinner, you tell your spouse about a new poison you read about and neither of you think it's a strange thing to talk about while eating.

 -  You spend a day driving around with your spouse looking for good body dumping sites.

- You see a bonfire being built and you immediately wonder if there's a body inside. 

 - Your husband brings home a sample of Gloves In A Bottle, not because he thinks you'll find it useful, but because he thinks you can experiment with it and use it in a book.

 - You hear about a flight attendant not showing up for a flight and the first thing you wonder is if they’d find her body in her house, not if she’d get fired.

 - You watch every episode of The First 48, Forensic Files etc. and take notes. 

Here’s the list from the 2016 post so you don’t have to go look it up:

 - You see a body fat scale in a catalog and wonder if it could be modified to be used as a murder weapon. 

 - You start writing a romance and you kill off the love interest within the first two chapters.

- You like to pick out the mistakes on a television crime drama.

- The first thing you do when you enter a hotel room is look behind the shower curtain to make sure there’s no body. 

- You think twice about throwing out old underwear because someone could get your DNA off it. 

- You see someone in a hardhat working on a traffic light and wonder if they’re really fixing the light or doing a bit of surveillance.

- Someone annoys you and you immediately start planning their fictional death.

- Dinner conversation includes whipping out a set of lock picks and talking about trying them out on your hotel room door.

- You drool over the latest book on forensics.

- Your browser bookmarks include sites on poisons, how burglar alarms work and other things you wonder if the government will feel the need to interrogate you about.


  1. I loved this!! Mystery writers think strange thoughts, don't we?

  2. ...when you hear on the news about horrible people who jump the vaccine queue, and think, Yes, another victim candidate for my next story.

  3. Ah, Susan, that's a good one.

  4. I love this site, read every contribution, and comment occasionally. Yesterday I commented here after recognizing myself in many of the characteristics. I thought the one word "Busted!" was the most succinct expression of that sudden shock of recognition---my admission to myself and to the whole wide world that I might someday claim membership in the company of mystery writers. Possibly my one-word comment was not posted because it might have seemed irrelevant or rude. Certainly I meant no disrespect. I don't expect this post to appear---there's no need---but I do wish to let the moderator know my sentiments. Thanks.

  5. Hi Anna, Don't know why your comment didn't appear. Glad to hear from a fellow writer who has a similar thought process!


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