Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Oh, To Travel Again!


Rick’s post yesterday reminded me how much I miss traveling. I’ve done a fair amount of it over the years, though not since the pandemic hit. I haven’t even been out of the county in the last year or so.

Back in the early 1980s through about 1990, I took a lot of slides. Remember when you had to load film in a camera and you didn’t know whether a picture turned out until it was developed? Yeah, I’m that old.

Anyway, I recently bought a Kodak Slide N Scan, which allows me to convert old slides and negatives to digital pictures. I’ve slowly been going through some of the many slides I took and remembering those trips. Here are a few of them. all from the 1980s:

Here’s Hanauma Bay on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. From 1982, my first trip to the islands.


Here’s the Space Needle in the early 80s. It’s changed a bit since this photo was taken. I grew up in the Seattle area so I have a special fondness for this landmark.


Here’s a peacock I encountered on the grounds of Warwick Castle in England in 1984. That was a fun trip with my sister.


Here’s a photo of the Green River within a short distance of the house where I grew up. Just a few bends down the river is where the first bodies of the victims of the Green River Killer were found. 


Here’s one of a backgammon game we saw on a trip to Venice, Italy in the mid to late 80s. KGB vs. CIA. 

 There’s a lot more for me to scan in. It’ll take me quite awhile. I’ll be traveling in my mind until we can actually move around the country and the world again.

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