Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Happy Holidays!

 Today is going to be a very short post. Possibly two or three short paragraphs. We are in tough times yet again and all over the world, we are hunkering down to try to defeat another round of this never-ending plague. I hope everyone is staying safe and sane, hanging in, and trying to connect with friends or family in some fashion over the next ten days.

As my celebration for the holiday, I just finished third rewrites of THERE BUT FOR FORTUNE, the fifth Amanda Doucette novel set in British Columbia. I have sent it off to my trusted Ladies Killing Circle and dusted my hands of the whole thing until I get feedback. 

So to everyone, please take care and stay safe. Get your shots if you can, follow precautions, do the simple things that bring you joy, and have a very MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS or WINTER SOLSTICE or whatever way you honour this time of the year. And may the NEW YEAR of 2022 be a better year, full of hope, friendship, and freedom from fear.

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