Tuesday, March 08, 2022

And now it’s time for me to say goodbye

by Rick Blechta

Way back in mid-2006, Vicki Delany, Charles Benoit, and I decided to start a blog. Vicki, if memory serves, came up with the name Type M for Murder, got things pulled together with blogger.com, and off we went.

My first post appeared on July 12, 2006 and I’ve been posting weekly ever since. My total count of posts, is (more or less) 723. I never stopped to think how many I’d written until I pulled out my archive the other day. There may have been a few more when I was using other people’s computers while away from home, but 723 is the number I have in hand. Wow. Did I do that?

The last year or so, however, I’d been feeling the weight of coming up with yet another topic to talk about. It’s also hard not to begin repeating yourself after so many posts, and there were a few times this happened.

Anyway, I now feel, and very regretfully, it’s time for me to shut up shop on Type M, so this will be my last post.

I’m leaving behind a very strong group of bloggers — and terrific human beings — who will continue to share their thoughts with you, and I’m equally certain they will come up with someone to fill the Tuesday spot I’ve occupied for so long.

Thank you all for reading my post, and especially to those who have felt the need to comment on them, even if you completely disagreed with me. I really appreciate the fact that you took time out of your day to visit Type M. Please continue to do so!

I may well be back as a guest from time to time, and until then, I wish you all the very, very best.

Many thanks, and good night.


  1. An honor to have blogged alongside you - your pieces always made for good reading, raising the bar for the rest of us. 700+ of anything is impressive. Take a well deserved bow my friend!

  2. 700+ of anything is impressive, more so when each one was a good read. An honor to have (briefly) shard a blog with you, even if you were always raising the bar. Cheers!

  3. Hey Rick, I'm sorry to see you go, but of course we can't always do everything forever. Much as we try.

    Write long and prosper

  4. I've enjoyed your posts, Rick. Good luck with all you do.

  5. Rick, I haven't been around as a commenter long enough to scold you, but I have hung out here long enough to enjoy your posts and to thank you for them. Time and change are always doing their stuff, aren't they? Cheers!

  6. Thanks everyone! I appreciate the comments you've made very much.

    You're all the best!

  7. Rick, I have very much enjoyed getting to know you via your posts. Wishing you good health, happiness, and success in all your endeavors!

  8. What great posts you wrote, Rick! But I know you'll surface elsewhere soon.

  9. Thank you so much, Tanya and Rosemary. You are very kind.


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