Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Favorite (And Least Favorite) Things About Writing


by Sybil Johnson 

I’ve been thinking lately about what I do and don’t like about writing. Overall it’s a big like, otherwise I wouldn’t bother writing at all. But, pretty much like everything else I’ve done, there are things I’m not particularly enamored of.

I don’t know if this is just me but, no matter how much I like doing something, there’s always a part that makes me groan just a little. Sometimes groan a lot. And, always, at the end of a long project I want to hurry up and get it finished. I’ve learned to curb this last bit because I know that I don’t always do the best job when I’m in a hurry.

Here are my favorites and least favorites: 

- My favorite parts about writing a new story or the plotting and editing. I’m not a huge outliner. As I’ve noted before, I’m more of a plantser. I think about the crime and the characters involved and a bit about the major story arcs, then I start writing. I also love editing something I’ve already written. No matter how bad it is, I enjoy whipping it into shape.

- My least favorite part about writing a new story is working on the first draft. It’s not a horrible dislike. I do have fun writing new scenes. But it’s hard, hard work. At least for me.

- My least favorite thing about the non-writing aspects of the publishing world are trying to get someone to publish your work and marketing. I’d much rather be working on a story than figuring out how to place ads or do the independent publishing thing. I do, however, enjoy being interviewed for podcasts and being on panels at conventions. I missed Left Coast Crime and I won’t be at Malice Domestic this year. (I’ve been to the last 7 so I am very sad about this one.) I will, however, be at Bouchercon in San Diego. I love going to conventions to meet readers, talk about my books and see the many mystery writers I’ve met over the years. 

- The final thing I enjoy about writing is the satisfaction of having a project finished, knowing that it all came out of my imagination. That is a truly satisfying thing about writing.

This year I’m going to work on the things I don’t like, figuring out how to improve in those areas.

What about you all? What are your favorite and/or least favorite things about writing or the publishing biz?


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