Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Insecure Me


by Sybil Johnson

I found Monday’s post by Thomas on Writing and Insecurity very interesting. It’s nice to know other writers are as insecure as I am at times. It was also fun to see the quotes from famous writers. Perhaps insecurity is a trait needed to write. Maybe it makes us work harder or something. Courage is certainly needed. I wrote a post on Courage for Femmes Fatales a few years ago and reposted it on Type M. You can find that here:

The problem with insecurity is that it can be paralyzing and prevent you from putting anything down on paper. This is when I say to myself, “This isn’t rocket science. No one’s life is at stake. It’s just fiction.” That little pep talk usually helps me get going.

I find that once I start writing something, anything, those insecurities start to fall away. I also find it soothing to read my own writing out loud to myself, at least the writing that I’ve worked on a bit. I don’t what why that is. Maybe it’s the rhythm.

I also tend to be the most insecure when my writing has been rejected. I’ve had a couple of short stories making the rounds for a while, both of them rejected multiple times. I have to keep telling myself that they’ll eventually find homes.

Right now, besides the short stories, I’m also looking over the final formatted pages for my next book, Brush Up On Murder, the 6th book in my Aurora Anderson series. The book isn’t ready for pre-order yet. That will come soon. Right now, though, I can share the cover of the book. So here it is: 


And here’s a bit about it.

Love is in the air in the quiet Los Angeles County city of Vista Beach, home of computer programmer and decorative-painting enthusiast, Aurora (Rory) Anderson. 

As Valentine’s Day approaches, residents are training for the annual Love Run and expressing their undying affection for each other by attaching love locks to the pier railings. But a string of bank robberies is ruining the romantic vibe.

While Rory helps friends prepare for a Valentine’s Day wedding, a body is found and the groom is implicated in the murder. Convinced of his innocence, Rory puts her heart into the investigation. Can she identify the killer before someone else encounters their own brush with death? 

It’ll be out October 10th.

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