Monday, February 15, 2016

Emerging from Hibernation

By Vicki Delany

Everyone seems to be talking about time pressures lately.

Which is why I love winter in Canada so much.  To me January and February are hibernating time. I can go days on end without talking to anyone. I’ll venture out to go to the grocery store, and I might be persuaded to meet friends for dinner, but otherwise, I’m holed up in my den.

Me, at home. I walk a lot in the winter, particularly when the ground is snow covered and I can access the snowmobile paths through the woods and across the farmer’s fields.

All ready to venture outside
In Canada everyone asks everyone, particularly if they don’t have a “regular” job, if they’re going away (meaning South) for the winter. I always reply that I never travel in the winter.  It’s my ME time.

I like to stay home in summer too, but summer is a time of chores, isn’t it? The lawn to be cut, the garden to look after. The swimming pool to use, and company to entertain.

In the winter, I write, I do writing chores as Donis alluded to in her recent post, I do jigsaw puzzles, I read a good deal, I take snowy walks, and I watch an hour or so on Netflix most evenings.


I’m off to Phoenix at the end of February, and although I’m looking forward to it very much, I’d rather it was a couple of weeks later. I’m not going to be ready to emerge from hibernation quite yet.

Speaking of Left Coast Crime, and adding to what Donis and Barbara had to say, as well as at the conference I’ll be at the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale on Wednesday, January 24th as part of their international authors night. And doesn’t that sound like a lot of fun!  As well as full roster of LCC events (two panels, speed-dating for authors, and the Poisoned Pen Press breakfast) I’ll be at the Crime Writers of Canada reception Friday at 5:30 in my role as president of the CWC. We have a fun event planned full of authors. Enter out quiz and you might win a great prize.

I hope to see many of you there.  And if not, I hope you’re enjoying your winter too.

The view from my kitchen window


  1. Love it! Like you, Vicky, I see foul or cold weather as an excuse to stay in and write. I don't mind snow or rain as long as I have my computer nearby, a pot of tea, and a head full of ideas.

  2. Just the opposite here. I don't leave the house after 10 a.m. or before sundown in the summer.


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