Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Your favourite place to read or write

It’s snowy and finally feels like winter here in Toronto (better late than never!), and on this type of day it’s perfect to curl up with a good book. (Which is, sadly, something I can’t do today.)

Today I have two questions for everyone. The first everyone can answer (and I encourage you to so do!), and the second is for the writers out there, and the answers might well be very different.

First question: Where do you like to read? If you could pick the perfect spot(s), where would they be? I have a few choices. I love to set up in front of a fire on a cold day. On a hot day, nothing is better than a spot near some water, especially if there’s a wide vista to look at from time to time. When it’s cold, I like a hot beverage and the opposite is true when it’s hot. Nothing alcoholic, please, because I’ll fall asleep in short order. So where are these two ideal places for me? One is in a 150-year-old log home near Perth, Ontario, which I used in a scene in The Fallen One. The warm weather has two locations. One is the town over from where I grew up. It has a lovely spot, Manor Park overlooking the Long Island Sound. It has numerous benches under the trees where you can look right across the sound at Glen Cove on the opposite shore. I haven’t been there in years, but maybe it’s time to spend a few hours there this summer. The second spot is on Flowerpot Island off the tip of the Bruce Peninsula. It is a gorgeous spot with numerous good vantage points overlooking Georgian Bay.

So there are my choices. Where are yours?

Second question: If you’re a writer, where do you like to write? My answer is more complex. The first I haven’t been able to indulge in very much, and that’s to rent a place in a foreign country (Italy or France would be nice) and spend a few months there working on a novel. That would really be a slice of heaven. My second choice and something I can do much more easily is to write at the Osgoode Hall law library. It is a magnificent room, quiet and dignified and it’s generally open to the public. In this room I find it really easy to concentrate for long periods.

What are your choices for favourite places to write?

Please take a few moments to share your favourites. I thank you!


  1. My "study" is little 4x7 landing at the top of the stairs ... you can call it tight, but I call it cosy. I have a comfy office chair, my desktop computer, and room beside me for a hot cup of tea. I can sit here all day writing and reading.

    If I get sick of sitting indoors, I go to the Second Cup around the corner from me and try to get into one of their comfortable armchairs. It's lovely in theory, but doesn't have quite the same comfort as home. I used to go there to write fairly often, but I'm finding that it's really more conducive to reading than it is to writing.

  2. Thanks, Christopher! 4x7 sounds a bit tight, but if it works for you, that's all that counts. I don't mind reading in coffee shops, but I find working their difficult, so yeah, I agree with your assessment.


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