Type M for Murder is thrilled to welcome guest author Arthur Kerns this weekend. Art is a retired FBI special agent and past consultant to the intelligence community. He is a former president of the Arizona chapter of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO). His award-winning short fiction has appeared in numerous anthologies. His espionage thrillers, published by Diversion Books, Inc., The Riviera Contract, its sequel The African Contract, and his 2016 release The Yemen Contract, feature the adventures of CIA operative Hayden Stone.
In the seat next to me, my wife tapped my arm and pointed to a message on her phone. Our son and his family were meeting us at the Austin, Texas airport.

When she paused and lifted the book, I saw the cover. It looked very familiar. Looked very much like the cover of my book. My debut novel. Had some other author used a similar design?
Then I realized it was my book this stranger was reading. I whispered to my wife to look and motioned with my head toward the young woman.
“Don’t you dare!” my wife said.
“Ask if she wants it signed.”
“Never occurred to me.” I said unconvincingly.
The girl returned to the book, that is my book. I tried to study her expression for some indication of what she thought about the story, but saw only focused attention. She turned the pages at a steady rate so apparently she was into the plot—maybe. It looked like she was about mid-way through the book and I tried to imagine what scene she was in. Was it an action scene? Too early for the love scene.
The young woman was a complete stranger. Never saw her in my life. How did she come by the book? Where did she buy it? At a bookstore or over the Internet? Did a friend recommend it?
The older woman returned and spoke to the girl while looking at her watch. She pointed to the book and asked something. I watched to see if I could figure out what the girl said, but couldn’t detect anything positive or negative. She could have been talking about the weather.
“Stop looking at her.” My wife nudged me. “Get your things, our plane’s boarding.”
I put my laptop back in the case, found my boarding pass, and then looked back in the direction of the two women. They were gone.
And any chance to know what the young woman thought of my book.
Just as well.
Please visit Art at his website http://www.arthurkerns.com
Hey, Art! Fancy seeing (reading) you here, and with my favorite short story of all time. *waving at you*
Are the sharing buttons hidden somewhere? I can't find them and want to share.
Sue, copy the address (http://typem4murder.blogspot.com/2015/11/guest-blogger-arthur-kearns_14.html) and paste it into a Facebook comment on your FB site.
Cute story, but I bet your mystery reader would've loved it if you'd signed her copy. Next time you see someone reading your book, go up to them. I've done it whenever I've spotted someone reading one of my books, and they're always excited and appreciative. Just FYI...
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