Showing posts with label back stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back stories. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 04, 2021

You can’t stop making up stories, can you?

by Rick Blechta

I had really limited time over the past week to do much writing because we put in a new front lawn and I did a lot of yard work in the back. Hey, it’s that time of year!

However, I was also guilty of using some of that scarce time to do more model railroading than I should have.

I previously wrote about building “Miss Lucy’s House” and lately I was working on her big brother’s tribute building, “Jackson’s Village Pizza.”

Now, you’ll notice that I’ve added two HO scale figures. That’s Miss Lucy watering a pot of flowers on her front porch and Jackson getting some much-needed fresh air after turning out a busy evening’s batch of pies, fresh and hot.

Here’s where the storytelling comes in.

Miss Lucy is a successful young musician. What you’re not seeing yet is her 1953 baby blue Porsche Spyder. (She did have two #1 hits in the past year after all, so she splurged a bit.) It arrived yesterday afternoon. I’ve yet to construct her yard, with a driveway for the car, and no doubt a garage. There will also be a garden in the backyard and I have a lovely apple tree to go in the front yard.

A pretty, young girl would have a boyfriend being in her mid-twenties, wouldn’t she?

So I bought her two possible beaus. One is an army officer who has just returned home since he’s carrying a suitcase. Lucy hasn’t spotted him yet. I guess — assuming he makes the cut — I’ll have to buy the taxi cab that just dropped him off. He’s stopped midway up the sidewalk gazing fondly at his girlfriend.

Bachelor #2, as my wife feels, looks like a bit of a bad boy. He probably combs his hair a lot and he has a definite slouch. Maybe he’s a want-to-be boyfriend. He’ll have to toe the line because Lucy is a girl who knows her mind. I think she’ll be able to handle him — if she even gives him the time of day.

I haven’t even gotten to Jackson’s back story, but you no doubt see where this is going. I’m unable to do anything without adding the human factor. I can’t even resist giving my model buildings a story.

My granddaughter isn’t even five years old yet and her grampa has imagined her 20 years in the future with a career, her own life, and a complete back story.

After uttering the words in the title of this blog post, my wife told me she thinks it’s cute…