Showing posts with label book piracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book piracy. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

So Meta Stole Our Stories

On a typical tropical day in Guam beneath a shelter

I woke up this morning and saw my Facebook feed full of outrage about how The Atlantic created a new searchable database that allows authors to see if their books were used by Meta to train their AI. Here's how it worked. 

Authors and publishers uploaded their e-books to places like Amazon. Piracy sites (sometimes called mirror sites) stole these books and articles by either scanning the books and creating PDF versions or by stripping their codes and "recreating" the books which they could then sell to customers who were attracted by the low-cost or free books.

Meta, apparently, used these pirated versions of a magnitude of books and articles to train their AI. 7.5 MILLION books! 

Piracy of this sort is not new. Some of these book outfits (often overseas) are huge. When one gets taken down, another springs up to take its place. It's a massive problem. 

Or is it?

In a way, yes. Of course it is illegal as all get out, and authors feel cheated because someone stole their work, is selling it for cheap, and keeping the profit for themselves. That sucks. On the other hand--and please don't hate me for saying this--the people who are using pirate sites to get cheaper books were probably NOT going to purchase our books for the full price on Amazon or anywhere else. 

In other words, the piracy sites aren't stealing money that would have definitely gone into our pockets. but they ARE making money with our content, content they haven't spent countless hours creating, crafting, honing, sweating over. And that makes me mad. It's cheating. Kind of like big corporations cheat on their taxes while the rest of us have to pay ours. Both big corps and piracy sites are gaming the system and profiting while the rest of us stand helplessly by, do our work, accept with gratitude when we are paid, and pay what's demanded of us. 

The Author's Guild wrote an article about this and shared the searchable database link. You can find it at this LINK

Of course I jumped on to search my name, and sure enough, my second Olivia Lively title was listed. Honestly? I would have been more upset if I hadn't been included! 

However, piracy in low-wage countries preying on us is one thing. Having one of our own companies, in this case Meta, steal from us is a major betrayal! Our American economic and judicial and infrastructure system has allowed Meta to become the multi-billion dollar company it is. And this is how it repays our creatives? Our writers? With a total lack of respect for the people who,along with other artists, create the cultural wealth of our society. 

All this pounds into my brain, once again, that the time for ditching social media was yesterday. It's time for us to stop relying on Meta and other platforms for free promotion in exchange for our attention and our souls. I'm trying to figure out how to do this. I've been spending less time on Facebook, but I'm reluctant to give up my account because in some ways the author page, at least, works as kind of a Yellow Pages entry. 

On the other hand, how can we justify our continued support  of a broligarch who, according to a new book that just came out from whistleblower Sarah Whynn-Williams--Careless People: A cautionary tale of power, greed, and lost idealism--actually agreed/offered to collude with the Chinese Communist Government to spy on and report on people? Not to mention disinformation campaigns. And some sexual harassment stuff if what I heard on a podcast is to be believed. 

Of course, Meta went to court to try to block the author from promoting her book, which of course led to... SO MANY MORE SALES. Haha. Here is a link to an article. LINK

So that's two strikes against Meta in one week. Is it time to ditch it once and for all? 


Shelley's most recent Pink Dandelions newsletter went out today. In it find an essay on designating and designing your own Creative Sanctuaries--both physical and mental/psychological--in these weird, chaotic, and noisy times. See The Creative Sanctuary. 



Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Ahoy, Mateys! I be here with news of great import.

By Rick Blechta

I’ve got more on the whole non-permission book piracy thing.

First off, I heard back from Linwood Barclay. I won’t share the exact email response he sent to my query — it’s rather tart and too-the-point — but I can say he found what I told him “outrageous” and he was going to contact them immediately.

Apparently he was more successful than I’ve been (in many ways!) because his novels that were on the site are now completely gone. Good for you, Linwood! You’re my new hero.

I’m going to find a friendly lawyer — since I play in a big band, the Advocats, that has several — to get a letter crafted that Internet Archive will be inclined to obey.

However, my main point today is to share the following link: 

I’ll wait while you read it. It’s not very long.

Now the Hidden Gems site is for helping authors get reviews of electronic ARCs (Advance Reading Copies) of their works. They charge for this service. If you wish to poke around the site, you will quickly see how it works. It seems that the focus in on individual authors to sign up for some easy self-promotion. It seems a bit pricey considering all the service provides is reviews, and obviously, you’d only want to use the good ones. Also anyone can review these ARCs, so they don’t carry the weight of a review by a professional (i.e.: paid) reviewer.

However, the main point of this post is I feel the linked article’s take on piracy is pretty sobering. I suppose the fight needs to be taken to these bastards, but it looks as if the task is a daunting one:

What do you think?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My continuing tale of piracy woe

by Rick Blechta

Here is the email I sent on April 15th in response to their original email that said “lending access has been disabled for the URL(s) identified”:

Good morning,

I'm sorry, but I just checked your website and all of the books listed below still seem to be available for lending. I did not try to download since I do not want to sign up to your site.

I would like my books completely removed from the website, please.

I look forward to your response.

Rick Blechta

A short while later, I received this response:


Thank you for your email. The ebook items were removed from National Emergency Library (no waitlists) and the Internet Archive's general library lending program (one user can check out a held copy at a time). They now are available only to blind and print-disabled patrons. 

For such listings, blind and print-disabled patrons may access special electronic versions of the book that can be used with accessible software. The Treaty of Marrakesh outlines conditions under which book access may be expanded to the blind in signatory countries (the World Blind Union's take on that legislation and use rights for blind access is here). Users agree not to make copies or distribute materials (one option allows users to download scans and use them for a limited time with DRM to protect against copying). Our program to enable blind and print-disabled access has been in operation since 2010 (see our original press release). 

Again, thank you for your email. If you have continuing objections or questions, please let us know. 
The Internet Archive Team

Luckily I know some lawyers who put me on to others whose practices deal with this stuff. I was basically told that Internet Archive is definitely on the windy side of the law on this. However, if I wish to pursue this there is likely only one option: a lawsuit. There’s no way I have enough money to go through that. “Well, then you have to hope that one of the big publishers will take them on.”

So back I went to the Internet Archive site for further research. I looked up five very successful crime writers I know: Peter Robinson, Louise Penny, Ian Rankin, Michael Connelly and Linwood Barclay.
Not surprisingly, most of these authors’ novels are not on the website, just a scattered one here and there. Could this be because their publishers’ have dealt with this and IA complied because they know there are sufficient resources behind these requests that they risk being sued? I wonder…

There is one exception, however: Linwood Barclay. IA offers 12 of his novels. I’ve written to Linwood to ask a) if he knows about this, and b) if he has given his permission to offer the books, also what his thoughts might be.

Stay tuned. I am going to send IA one more request to remove my books completely. Hopefully I’ll also hear from Linwood in the meantime.

Things could get interesting!

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

More thoughts on book piracy

by Rick Blechta

The story I featured in last Tuesday’s post (Plagiarism in the 21st Century) seems to have really resonated with a lot of people. For one thing, it’s all over Facebook at the moment, mostly on timelines of authors (with surprisingly few publishers picking it up). I also heard privately from several people.

The article also really resonated with me (not that I’m expecting people to be snapping up my deathless works of art left, right and centre). The thing that sticks in my craw is the sheer audacity of these pirates.

I wish I had time to research this more completely, but I’m sure it’s all hidden in a carefully-crafted labyrinth of internet befuddlement. The person posing as Joanne Clancy is really rather accomplished. Think about it. She was giving interviews, albeit with questions sent to her. It would have been interesting to see how she would have handled a spot on TV.

It’s so easy to be anonymous on the internet. You can quickly create multiple people, in much the same way that a writer creates characters. I’m still willing to bet that “Joanne Clancy” also has other names under which she operates. If she didn’t when this whole thing blew up in her face, she does now. Why not? Like any scammer, you just fold your tent, disappear to another place, and set up shop again. Hell, she could even be peddling the same books again under different titles.

The thing to remember is that Eilis O’Hanlon only found out about Joanne Clancy by accident. Her whole series could have been plundered and she might have never found out. The other revealing thing is that she obviously has a very kind heart. How else can you explain someone being so understanding to a person (an anonymous one, at that) who is ripping them off for a substantial bit of money? While that says much about the quality of Eilis’ character, the fact is this Joanne Clancy person probably had that sob story she told Eilis well-rehearsed and ready to go. Sadly, it was swallowed and Ms O’Hanlon allowed herself to get scammed further.

But the really big idea to take away from this is that there is little an author (or publisher) can do. Find a good novel with mid-range type sales, rewrite a bit of it (easy to do if the scammer uses the global search function in a word processor, and you’re good to go. A company as big as Amazon can’t possibly be expected to uncover something like this and that size works in the scammer’s favour.

If they’re really smart, they’ll translate the novel into another language and further obfuscate the trail — especially if the language in which they market the book didn’t have a translation of the stolen book. Clancy big error was placing her versions of the O’Hanlon novel’s in the same country (Ireland). If she’d set them in Canada or the US, even England, she might have escaped detection for a long time.

The fact that the story is getting such wide coverage makes it almost certain other people will jump on this particular scam and the problem will spread. Everyone of us here on Type M has to be wondering if we’re being ripped off and don’t even know it — especially in foreign countries in other languages

That’s a pretty scary thing — especially since none of us are making pots of money writing crime fiction. Every dollar earned is precious.

But I ask: what can you do?