1. The physical therapy that I mentioned having for my neck is working. I have to remind myself to do the exercises three times a day and get up and move from my computer before I freeze into place. But the exercises at home, the neck massage and heat pack at the therapy office, and the exercises I'm now doing on the machines are untangling my stress knots.
Note to self: Remember I need to take care of my body because it's hard to meet deadlines when I'm in too much discomfort to work. The exercises are boring and trips to therapist time-consuming, but I need to stay committed.
2. This week, with end of semester looming and multiple deadlines, I have been making a to do list. Writing the list out, rather than telling myself what I need to get done, is both efficient and effective.
Note to self: Seeing all of the to-do tasks from my life on a list causes dismay, depression, and near-panic. But having a list of task that I need to complete, allows me to prioritize. It also allows me to manage my time -- fitting in minor tasks like phone calls for appointment when I have only a few minutes here and there. Making a list for the next day gets me up and moving. Working the list -- checking off each task as it's completed -- is invigorating. I feel competent, efficient, and focused. With list in hand, I can decide to ignore minor distractions.
This post was first on my list today. Check.