By Vicki Delany
Frankie’s post on Friday about her newsletter made me realize that I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned to all you nice Type M followers that I send out a newsletter.

If you’d like to be put on the distribution list, please
drop me a line at vicki at vickidelany dot com.
Speaking of contests, let’s have one! Everyone who writes to me this week (i.e.
before Monday July 25th) will go into a draw for a signed mass
market paperback of Negative Image.
If you are in Southeastern Ontario this weekend, and looking for something to do, why not come to a cross-genre convention! Limestone Genre expo will be going on Saturday and Sunday in Kingston. It's Limestone Genre Expo and I am the Mystery Guest of Honor. Here's the link with all the details
Perhaps I'll see you there.
I signed up for your newsletter and have found your books enjoyable. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your contest.
Thanks, Robin!
This looks like a great book. I have read some of your other books and bet this one is just as great. centraleast2 at gmail dot com
Dear Type M for Murder,
I am writing to you on behalf of Diana Dempsey, author of numerous mystery and women’s fiction novels, and an admirer of your blog. Diana is now working on the next installment in her Beauty Queen Mystery series, which traces the mystery and hijinx (and fashion and exotic cocktails) of Happy Pennington, the reigning Ms. America queen and budding sleuth.
As Diana works on completing this new book, we are hoping to grow the readership of the series as a whole, and reach out to a larger fan base. This might include free book giveaways, a chance to chat directly with the author and special insights and offers given to groups like yours.
Here is a link to Diana’s website, as well as a link to the first novel in her Beauty Queen Mysteries, Ms. America and the Offing on Oahu, which is currently available for free on Amazon
Also, here is the link to her website with more information about her books:
Let me know if reading and reviewing the Beauty Queen Series on your blog would be of interest to you, as well as any of the special offers I have described above. If so, I am happy to share more details with you about what we could offer.
Emma Post
Thanks for entering my contest, everyone. I have selected a winner and notified her.
Congrats to the winner. I was late to the contest, but I wanted to say I think a quarterly newsletter makes a lot of sense. I used to drive myself crazy trying to come up with content for weekly blog posts that would then go out to those who'd signed up for my newsletter, until I realized those folks were probably inundated with other blog posts and certainly wouldn't be waiting with bated breath for mine. I now do only three or four a year, and only when I have news of a book release or an event.
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