Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Farewell Mystery Magazine

 by Sybil Johnson

I've been writing a fair number of short stories recently so I've once again become aware of what markets I can submit them to. A lot of the places that have either published my work or that I've submitted to before have since folded. Among them are Spinetingler Magazine and Mysterical-E. Though I've seen nothing that officially says the latter is gone, the last issue was in 2022 so I'm assuming the market is dead

The latest casualty is Mystery Magazine, formerly Mystery Weekly, a Canadian publication that was available in both print and e-formats.

I was just thinking I'd submit something to them since they have a good reputation. Unfortunately, I won't get that opportunity.

According to their website: “Due to the subscription challenges we've faced following the closure of Kindle Newsstand, Mystery Magazine will cease publication with September 2024 being our final issue.” You can read the rest of the announcement here.

This makes me very sad. There seem to be fewer and fewer avenues for short mystery fiction that actually pay. Mystery Magazine was one of them. There’s AQMM and EQMM, of course, but they are harder to get published in. Still, I submit to them just in case they find something I’ve written interesting enough to want to publish it.

Anthologies exist as well. I’ve submitted to some of those, but haven’t had any luck until recently. My story, “Fatal Return”, will be in the Sisters in Crime/Los Angeles anthology, Angel City Beat, which should be out at the end of the year.

I really enjoyed reading the stories in Mystery Magazine. Lots of good stuff in there.

Farewell, Mystery Magazine. You will be missed.

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