Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Welcome Back, Suspense Magazine!

 by Sybil Johnson

You may remember that I did a post a few weeks back about Mystery Magazine ceasing publication after the September 2024 issue. They might not be around anymore, but another magazine that closed down publication of its pdf version is now coming back!

Welcome back, Suspense Magazine!

According to their Facebook page, “...starting in January 2025, Suspense Magazine will be producing a digital magazine for FREE! The magazine will run quarterly. We will have more educational articles from bestselling authors, with tips and tricks to make you a more successful writer. Reviews, features and so much more will be included. Also Suspense Radio is back on the air, interviewing the authors you want to hear from! We post the interviews on our website and also you can subscribe on Spotify, Apple Music and many other podcast sites, simply by searching Suspense Radio!”

They are also open to submissions for short stories and their publishing company, Suspense Publishing, is now open to submissions. For details on submissions and anything else to do with the magazine see their website. They are also looking for reviewers. 

It’s nice to see something coming back instead of going away.

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